Pre and Post Botox Instructions

Pre and Post Botox/Dysport Instructions: To avoid bruising it is best not to take any pain relievers that are blood thinners such as aspirin like Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, or Vitamin E. 3 days prior to or 24 hours after injections. Avoid alcohol for a few days after...

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Botox #1 cosmetic procedure 8 years running!

Aesthetic Medicine and Top Cosmetic Procedures: What is the goal of Aesthetic Medicine?:  The primary goal of Aesthetic Medicine is to enhance a patients self-satisfaction by utilizing minimally invasive procedures aimed at maintaining a natural and healthy...

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Younger looking skin

New Skin for a New Year: Q: How can I achieve younger looking skin? A:  Through a combination of a good home skincare routine combined with targeted therapeutic in office treatments. Focus on products that contain active ingredients that are scientifically proven to...

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Dermapen collagen induction therapy

Collagen Induction Therapy-A Safe, Cost-Effective Treatment for Stretch Marks, Acne Scars, & Wrinkles. What is Collagen Induction Therapy & How Does it Work? CIT is a simple, safe procedure that requires minimal downtime with significant, measurable, and...

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Physician Dispensed Skin Care Products

Physician Dispensed Skin Care Products. What is the difference between skin care products sold in department stores/salons/pharmacies and those sold in medical practices? The cosmetic industry is over saturated with products that promote sensational results but lack...

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